in everything, seek Him

Anyone else like to live in the safety zone? You know, those safe and predictable places with guaranteed answers? Yep, that’s me too.

For years, that’s exactly what I did as it seemed a sure fire method for worldly success...and, no lie, it worked. ⠀⠀

But if it worked, why wasn’t I happy or joy-filled or in a place of contentment? Why? Because I was only thriving at a superficial level. I wasn’t doing what I was meant to be doing. ⠀⠀

Friend, if there’s a craving deep in your soul that says you aren’t doing what you were meant to do, you aren’t imagining it. If that nudging is God saying He has a different plan, pray and seek what to do about it. ⠀⠀

You WERE meant to thrive-maybe not in the worldly sense, but definitely in a space of thankfulness and joy and peace and delight in Him. In everything give thanks, but in everything seek Him and be prepared to take some scary, freeing, unpredictable leaps of faith.




seek the beauty