
Getting to know myself has been one of the most eye opening experiences.

It looked like courage and grit, and it was; but, how it felt was more like being lost, then found. It looked nothing like I thought and managed to offer everything I needed.

Courage comes first, then grit. Daily sitting with scripture, even if I didn’t understand some verses was where this started. All seeds first need to grow through dirt. Dirt is messy, isn’t polished or pretty; but, dirt is honest. God will gracious honest meet you in the mucky mire.

Courage and grit, that’s where you’ll meet a bit of yourself and a whole lot of Jesus. When you see the dirt, call its messiness to the surface-God doesn’t abandoned even in the messiness of life.

Never underestimate how holiness can meet you in places and spaces of grace, right where you feel the messiest. Never undercut the glory of grace, to meet Grace right where you are. When you learn grace, you can offer grace.



