
Sometimes our prayers get answered in wild and wonderful ways. Ways, that if they’d been answered when we first asked, we wouldn’t appreciate God’s wisdom in knowing we weren’t ready for the answer quite yet. We need time and experience to understand how blooms unfold. As newlyweds, we purchased a starter home and I started gardening, my feeble inexperienced attempt at placing seed to soil and expecting a abundant blossoms to appear.

I chose wisteria after seeing a magazine page with lavender blossoms pouring over a white picket fence. It looked like a picture perfect life, this potentially for lavender blooms to perfume our side door entry. I followed all the “rules” from the garden center leaflet, yet year after year, only a winding twig with a few green sprigs would appear. I got irritated, impatient, tried to pull the wisteria from the ground one autumn afternoon. Tugged and yanked at deep roots until they snapped at the surface.

The next spring, green appeared. The roots just needed time to be nurtured, to grow deep. It wasn’t the surface snapping that grew those deep roots, it was the years they’d been nourished and nurtured. The years of care meant resilience had been forged that even surface level snapping couldn’t diminish.

The day you plant the seed isn’t the day you get flowers. You may not see the fruit of your labors for years. Trust the process and continue the work.



