
Through the years, I don’t think patients realized how much they taught me. How their life experiences shaped me more than a textbook ever would or could.

I remember one such lady, how she squeeze my hand deep while the doctor place an IV in her neck. I told her to take deep calming breaths. She told me her body would go where her mind took it. That she waited too long to learn that. How the words spoken over her in childhood became her identity. How she took that identity and bathed her body as cheap oil.

She gripped my hand tighter to make sure I felt a touch of her truth. And here’s what I learned, the lies you believe become the ones that you breathe. And breathing truth is a grace upon grace.

I think we underestimate how fearfully and wonderfully made we are-I think we underestimate the power in the Truth we breathe to ourselves and our children.

Miss Mason understood this far earlier than science would piece together. Neuroplasticity is the science of laying down rails in our brains, how our thoughts and habits shape our lives. I wonder if she knew even then how the limbic system feels safest when those rails have rutted healthy? I think she did-I think she also understood that misplaced rails can still be turned to become healthy and whole again!



