
He was two weeks old when we knew he’d be our outdoorsy kiddo. Warm autumn breezes are his favorite. Even as an infant, he’d look up at his mama & smile, relax & close his eyes with chin lifted to the sun. He’s our rainbow baby, the unexpected blessing we didn’t see coming.

But, summer heat storms used to stress his toddler body. He’d fret, wanting to hide indoors. The only solution I could fathom was to teach him to face fears, especially in the middle of storms. I told him angels were bowling-angels were splitting sky with thunder & lightning, each lightning strike a celebration. We’d sit on the screen porch wrapped in an old quilt, waiting for the sky to illuminate with flashes of light. His squishy toddler hands waiting for lightning, prepared to clap and cheer for angels.

And maybe that’s the point-storms teach us to keep our eyes open, looking up to heaven. Some are meant to teach us to cheer in the midst of the storm.

Our outdoor kiddo is now a towering young man, still outdoors most days, still smiling in breezes.



