Yearly Bible Reading Tracker printable
We know that spiritual health impacts other areas of our lives. It is foundational to our health mentally, physically, and emotionally. However, many people let all of the above slip through their fingers. I don’t think it’s because anyone wants to abandon the pillars of health; I think it’s gnawing overwhelm, feeling that it’s all just too much.
I created a printable for you to help track your daily Bible reading. I need to tell you how I got here though, this simple approach to daily habit tracking.

2023 Focus Points & credit score tracker printable set
These are the next two printables. The 2023 Focus Points printable is intended to build from your word of the year. This is where we start searching for how God will grow us through this word in key areas. If you haven’t accessed the Word of the Year printable, the links to the original post as well as printable are...