2023 Focus Points & credit score tracker printable set

These are the next two printables. The 2023 Focus Points printable is intended to build from your word of the year. This is where we start searching for how God will grow us through this word in key areas. If you haven’t accessed the Word of the Year printable, the links to the original post as well as printable are below.

If you prefer to start with the 2023 Word of the Year printable(not required, but will likely be helpful), the original post can be found HERE. If you need the first 2023 Word of the Year printable only, it can be found HERE.

Habit formation has a longer lasting positive impact than new year resolutions. In fact, by January 10, only 38% of the world is still working on their new year resolutions. This Friday, January 13th has even been nicknamed “International Quitter’s Day.”

Habit formation works differently.

It relies on slow steady consistency, building over time, scaling with less work.

Habit formation transforms; new year resolutions are often chosen through shame-based performance thinking.

God does not call us to shame, the world does.

God does not call us to performance, He welcomes us to presence.

The first printable is 2023 Focus Points-(there are three size options-print whichever size is easier for you.) full page format, half page format, one fourth page format

I keep mine in a three ring binder, slowly adding to it by seasons-winter, spring, summer, autumn, Christmas. Each has its own labeled section where I stash ideas for gifts/outings/traditions/etc. Over the period of a year, this slowly becomes a family binder. It is quick and simple to look back at this binder when planning out the next year, it assists in forming a daily routine/schedule that is specific to the needs of you and your family.

If you did the Word of the Year printable, remember when it said to do the four highlighter colors in the corners? Do the same on these to train your brain on these colors(work smarter, not harder). We’ll get to these colors in a few weeks.

For now, just put your highlighter circle dots on each corner of these six squares. Pray, ask God for clarity before you start. Once you’ve prayed over it, take a deep breath and dig in.

In each square, you’ll be writing two things. First, think of one way you do great in each of these and write it down. Next, think of one way you could maintain/grow/improve(even just a little) in these areas. Most people ignore the stuff they do well and lean to the negative-take the emotion out, acknowledge both, write them down. We’ll address emotion related to our views of our personal strengths on down the road. For now, we just need to focus on our honest beliefs for each of these. Habits form and layers deliberately over time-this offers longer lasting transformation.

The second printable is a credit score tracker. Money is HIGH on many people’s new year resolutions-equally as high as weight loss. Most people give up before February on both, bringing guilt/shame emotions. Money stewardship should not be buried under pride, worldly performance, or shame. If all is well financially, awesome-keep track on credit score to watch its maintenance. The three major credit score companies utilize a number/color system with the score. Green correlates to a great credit score, red correlates to improvements needed asap. Write the scores in on your tracker sheet monthly, highlight that section with the corresponding green/yellow/orange/red. If it’s red, don’t fret-make changes. If it’s green, awesome! Highlight that tracker to visually see where you are and maintain. Any unexpected score changes? Check to make sure there are no false reportings or identity theft issues. Keep it consistent. If you want to see improvements, start looking for practical money helps. Dave Ramsey, YNAB(You Need A Budget), and Budget Mom are all resources we have utilized personally.

Keep the goals realistic and attainable-Rome wasn’t built in a day; but don’t give up!

The printables next week will help with choosing specific habits based on your personal and individual family’s needs.

Photography via Unsplash and goDaddyStudios


Yearly Bible Reading Tracker printable