Friday reflection

Much can be said about leaning in. The leaning in to see clearer-to see others clearer and to allow ourselves to humbly be seen clearer. 

Today, I’m leaning in. 

Today, I’m leaning in. 

Leaning in, even if small bits at a time, can slowly and steadily change our trajectory, our paths and places where we land. It changes who we are surrounded with and why we are surrounded by those people.

I mention it here and there that we homeschool. It was an unsteady leaning in that we chose back in 2009. Our oldest will graduate this semester. It still feels surreal that graduation day is closer rather than further away. The decision to alter from a traditional education route leaned us a different path than we would’ve imagined and it took a long time to see the fruit of that lean in. He’s come a long way and, honestly, so have I. I am changed because of it.

I had been career driven for a long time. I adored my chosen profession. I leaned into higher education, leaned into pursuing career advancement, leaned further toward work than home. I’m definitely not saying anything is wrong with actively living your career dreams; on the contrary, if that’s where God has placed you in this season then you should work hard and give your best. But, in my gut, I knew years ago that where I was supposed to be was not where I was. I had leaned toward my second love and had slowly altered my path away from my first. Leaning in to the unconventional homeschool arena, totally jumping in with two clueless feet, offered a leaning back to the path that I was supposed to be on. 

I am changed because of it.

Your leaning in during this season of life may be totally different. It may look and feel and sound upside down and inside out different from mine.

That’s okay, I promise and pinky swear.

We are all leaning toward something. You may even feel that your lean isn’t big or grand or earth shattering, but even the smallest lean can still make a big difference.

Gracious Lord above,

Thank you for the days you have blessed us to live, the choices You have placed before us, the very breath we breathe. We pray that You will guide us to ponder where we are and where You want us. Direct our leaning ins. Weigh us with the decisions long enough for us to see that though the yoke may be heavy, with You, burdens can become light. May we embrace peace and strength that only comes from You. And Lord? Please help us lean. Amen and amen.


the turning


leaning in