
Far too many times…I’ve forgotten I’m a constant work in progress. I conveniently see the flaws in things like towels shoved in cabinets by mancubs instead of towels folded and neatly stacked. These moments require a shift in perspective, looking at intent and impact, what am I noticing.

When I stepped back and looked, really looked at the whole picture, read the entire situation, it was plainly evident. The towels-although not folded anything like I would have, not folded like a mother with more than two decades of towels folding experience would’ve like to have seen these? Pausing to read the room, more became evident-the way a child had taken it upon himself unprompted to wash, dry, fold, put away these towels. He put them on the correct cabinet, the one way above his head. He would’ve had to stretch arms high to serve this humbly. He did this without expecting accolades, he did this because he’s a team player, he sees a need and hops in to fill the gaps, he serves others.

And to think, if I hadn’t paused and done a gut check, really read the room, all I would’ve seen is a messy pile of towels.



