
Motherhood is individual. It has more nuances than a social media square. As a Christian mother, you’ll need to filter your choices, postures, and approaches through the lens of the Gospel. You’ll need to make prayerful choices with wisdom and discernment-it may not be popular. It likely won’t receive an earthly trophy.


Your goal isn’t popularity.

Your goal is serving God faithfully in the places and spaces you dwell.

Your goal isn’t striving to physical/mental/emotional/spiritual exhaustion.

It’s being intentional with the work you’ve been entrusted.

It’s an approach you won’t see applauded in public circles. Public circles aren’t the measuring stick, the cross is. Because of the cross, we serve an audience of One. Our children see us walking this out daily; not in striving, but in faithfulness. Intentionally. By choice.

So, when choosing the voice you listen to, choose the honest one. Even if it’s not telling you what you want to hear.



