
Motherculture doesn’t need to destroy your budget or your schedule-it just needs a plan. Decide what aspects of beauty would most feed your mother heart; start small, yet consistent.

For me, writing and artistic pursuits are calming. The seasons that I let those go assuming it wasn’t possible, my heart felt it. I falsely listened to the ideas that some seasons don’t allow those. I was wrong. Some seasons need those more than others.

In the seasons that feel like exhausted hamster wheel running, you need them even more. Those hard seasons of motherhood that are filled with sleepless nights, laundry taller than a tower, and bottles and missing sippy cups? You need motherculture even more. It will look different in each season. Your interests may change. Your daily checklists/rhythms/responsibilities will change. What won’t change is how you feel after you’ve grown your heart and mind and soul throughout this motherhood journey.

Pursuing motherculture isn’t selfish-it’s one of the most loving things you can do for you family. You’re modeling healthy choices for future generations. It’s showing your daughters to keep their minds sharp, their hearts tender, their ears and eyes on God. It’s showing your sons that depth of character matters more long term than the superficial.



