Scripture memorization

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. -Psalm 119:11

Have you ever wanted to have more scripture memorized, but couldn’t wrap your head around how to make it happen? I know I have. How can you make memorization happen when short on available time, little to zilch down time, and your brain is pressed closed from an already full to do list?

I promise, I understand.

Real life and real talk here.

When real life has leaned in hard on you, you HAVE to have some tools in your spiritual toolbox. I’m going to share a few methods I’ve used to help make scripture memorization possible and part of everyday life.

  1. Write the first letters of each word acrostic style on an index card, then place it by the kitchen sink. Guaranteed you’ll be there scrubbing dishes, bottles, tube feed tubing, sippy cups, coffee mugs multiple times a day. It’s a great way to practice scripture memorizing. You may not memorize entire psalms this way, but you will most definitely still memorize.

I have a hard time remembering the verse reference, so I write it multiple times with the verse. Progress is progress, sweet friend.

  3. Word picture the verse. If you are a visual learner(or slightly right-brained), the act of drawing the pictures within the verse quickly jumpstarts the memorization process. This method works great for all ages.


If you go for one memorization verse per month:

🎉 12 passages committed to heart within a year.

🎉 12 truths you can count on.

🎉 12 promises to name & claim.

When real life leans in, lean back with strong truth.


failure isn’t always a loss


right about now…