
There is work a caterpillar must do to grow; namely, it eats a lot. If at any time the caterpillar has not completed its sole purpose for its adult emergence, the metamorphosis process can still happen, but it requires purposeful work. Once safely cushioned and cocooned, the transformational miracle begins.

You were never meant to continually crawl through caterpillar life, you were meant to spread your God-given wings and soar.

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.    Philippians‬ ‭3:20-21‬ ‭

The opening to rest-a willingness to offer yourself the invitation to free your mind, your body, your soul from the weight you carry. 

It’s advice that I often give. 

It’s advice that I do not heed nearly enough.

In this hustle & bustle world, rest is rarely given its due honor. The clearing of space to bring clarity is dwindled down to snippets carved into jammed scheduled lives. 

This spring, it took government mandates to cocoon us. It took international crisis for us to seek shelter. For some, the cocoon offered a needed opportunity for reflection. It offered physical & mental rest. For some, entering their chrysalis meant facing down inner and outer demons-diminished resources yielding them onto battlefields not of their choosing. Their metamorphosis a harsh daily grind towards a finish line they cannot see.

If your rest this spring has felt so twisted that you are holding tight to prevent snapping, please remember this. It’s not too late. God is still waiting with listening ears, His Truth never fails, you are always loved. Dwell in that assurance. Listen for His guidance to your soul. Live that message boldly. Start where you are. Your emergence from this global crisis can be beautiful still. 

***If you or your children are unsafe, please seek resources to leave your cocoon quickly to a hedge of protection.



